Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The other day I posted on something I read at Daily Kos written by Bill in Portland Maine, to which he had a lengthy response that I told him I´d post here out of fairness and to open it up to further comments from my readers. You know - one of those *dialog* thingies.

I´ve added Bill´s response to the original post. You can either scroll down three posts, or just click here to read it.

BTW, I disabled comments here (on this post only) so they can all stay together in the same thread (the post linked to above).

UPDATE: Re-enabled the comments here as of 11/18. Seems after 25 or so they only showed up in the recent comments side-bar wiget, but not in the comments section. Feel free to keep it going here while I wait to hear back from Intensedebate.

And thanks all for keepin' real and keepin' it cool.